Friday, April 8, 2011

A word of commentary

Many of my posts list organizations with warm-fluffy, touchy-feely names. Names like Alliance for Democracy, Coalition for Peace Action, Coalition on Human Needs, Friends of the Earth, Friends of the Poor, Gathering for Justice, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. DC Support Group, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Human Rights Campaign, Black Leadership Forum, Inc., Black Women’s Roundtable, Black Youth Vote, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, National Congress of Black Women, National Council of La Raza, National Council of Negro Women, National Domestic Workers Alliance and so many others. What could be so bad, so damaging about those names?

It is not necessary to take each group at a time. I have a post on my blog called "One Nation Working Together?"[]. That post describes a counter-rally to the Restoring Honor Rally that was held in Washington on August 28, 2010. The rally was peaceful and clean. The rally was also attended by a group of priests, ministers, rabbis, and imams that has come to be known as "The Black Robe Regiment," and many people of all political parties who felt that it was time to clean up Washington. The mall held more than 100,000 people and more than 400 buses, and the normal compliment of Park Service workers had it cleaned up that night.

On the same day, Al Sharpton held a counter-rally opposing Restoring Honor. That rally, supported by President Obama, was loud, dirty, messy, noisy, and a sham just like its sponsor. That rally held an estimated 80,000 people and it took 3 days for the Park Service to clean up the mess.

On 10/30/2010 John Stewart held a “Restore Sanity Rally” that has also been endorsed by Barack Obama. Actually, it was not held to restore sanity, but to reintroduce chaos. The unions & every other America-hating, left-wing organization in the country supported the rally.

Then there was the infamous “One Nation Rally” on October 2nd. The interesting thing about this rally is not that Barack Obama had endorsed this rally- that was no surprise to anyone, but that more than 400 organizations, representing tens of thousands of individuals who have endorsed the One Nation Working Together campaign. The list of organizations supporting this rally was found linked off of the Communist Party USA website. (That site has changed by now, but most of the list is also in my blog under a post called “On Your Hands” and can be found here: Like the Sharpton counter-rally union members are being bused, paid, and forced to attend this rally by the bus load. Unions were ordering members to attend this and the Sharpton rallies, and were awarded with regular pay and the day off to attend. Now you know where your high prices go, and why companies move overseas to avoid this type of corruption.

Every one of these groups have openly supported a platform of Socialism. These groups have proven that just because something or someone uses a kind and gentle sounding name doesn't mean they won't harm you. There are a lot of organizations using the term "Democracy" and we've been brought up to believe the US is a Democracy. Is calling a tiger a kitty make it any less dangerous? Don't forget, the one thing all the Founding Fathers universally agreed on was that they would rather stay under a King George Monarchy than have a Democracy, because a Democracy as a government is nothing short of a shape-shifting form of mob-rule. It is the most insidious form of tyranny known to man.

Look at the damage it has done. Democracy brought us- as a nation -90 years of the most indecent slavery known to modern man. And the very people who should understand the slavery their ancestors suffered are the very people shouting the loudest for Democracy. In 1865 the walls of slavery were torn down. Former slaves were given their freedom. Many had a terrible time, but attitudes were changing and hundreds were making going concerns of their own businesses until 1912. In 1912 our democratic process elected a president who wanted to, and did, re-segregate government. As goes government, so goes business. Businesses, cities, towns, counties all over the country were openly violating the civil rights of the descendents of former slaves. People of color were given their freedom and an opportunity for greatness, and Democracy took it away. 52 years later they should have learned their lesson. All they had to do was to recognize the mistakes of the past, step up, and take their place in society. But No! Not when they could be sucking off the entitlement teat of the government. As long as people like FDR and LBJ would pass bills like social entitlements and Jimmy Carter would put them in homes they couldn't afford while other people paid for them, why not take the free ride.

Here we are, 146 years later, the same people who gave their lives, their families, and their posterity in efforts to gain their freedom and their equality are now convinced that segregation is, at least in part, the preferable system under which to live. Go to that list and count the number of organizations that are identified by race or color. Then tell me that the members of those organizations desire equality and freedom. You can't. Every pity-poor-feel-sorry-for-me wants the entitlements. And what's the best, easiest, and most efficient way to get it? Bring down the US government and replace it with Socialism. Never mind that it has been tried many times, and never succeeded. Always leaving the country in a much worse state than it was when Socialism started. But what do they care? They'll all be dead when the roof caves in.

Not only that, but the those organizations are using the name “Democracy”, or “Democratic”, as a substitute for Socialist. “That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.” - CPUSA Website. There are several terms in use today that are being used interchangeably. This is the most common way for a people to redefine terms, words, or phrases. The Untied States was formed as a Republic. A Constitutional Republic, or sometimes known as a Representative Republic. By the time Andrew Jackson was president people were interchangeably referring to the US as a Republic and a Democracy. By the time T. Roosevelt became president every school child in the country knew the US Constitution inside and out, but few, if any were taught what it meant, and they rarely heard the US referred to as a Republic except when reciting the Pledge of Allegience. By the time Jimmy Carter became President it was not unusual to hear that the US was adopting the Socialist agenda. Bill Clinton once said that Soviet Premier Boris Yeltzin was a “good Democrat” comparing Democrats and Socialists on equal terms. In 2008 Newsweek ran a cover story with the caption “We're All Socialists, Now.” in response to Obama's win. Obama is an admitted Marxist admirer, and is, at least in practice, a militant Marxist/Socialist president.

No. The fluffy, touchy-feely, warm and fuzzy names don't fit the organization. The cute name belies an tiger-teeth agenda that would rip the throat out of any Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, or Dolly Madison. We have let the cat out of the bag and it is clawing its way through everything and every one in its way, and we have a president and an administration that thinks it is cute to prod an angry feline with their cattle tazers.

When you have pulled the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.” Marine Corps Infantry Training Manual.

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