"More evidence that Republicans are determined to grab as much power as they can at the expense of everyone but the rich. Not satisfied with attacking the rights of workers, Republicans in 36 states are going after the most sacred American right-the right to vote. The We Party reports that through a myriad of proposals, they are trying to suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voters, including minorities, the poor, people who live in rural areas, seniors and students." - Republicans Aiming to Take Away Voting Rights in 36 States; Notitas de Noticias, Hispanically Speaking News, Sat 5/28/11
First, who is this "We Party?" The We Party are a far left-wing, generally Hispanic minority group of conspiracy theorists who believe that the 'rights' of citizenship should be extended to non-citizens, especially illegal criminal immigrants who would steal the rights offered and reserved to citizens. When they wrote this article, they used the words "Democratic minorities, students, and seniors." Aren't there any Republican minorities, students, and seniors? Sure there are, but like all liberals, they don't care about the truth. They are not interested in legal minorities, students, and seniors voting. They rephrased the words to sound good, but when they said ...the most sacred American right-the right to vote, they don't say whose rights, but it's pretty plain. Do they mean Americans? Republicans? Independents? No. They report that through a myriad of unspecified, if real, proposals, the big bad Republicans are trying to suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voters, including minorities. They lump the poor, people who live in rural areas, seniors and students into their list for political correctness, but they don't care about them. Their vote is a bonus. They control the book publishers so they can lie to students and convince them of their social justice an they give seniors and the poor welfare, so they get the loyalty vote. Why do they never define their terms? What minorities? When they say minorities, etc., they mean illegal criminal immigrants. They have never mentioned Asians, Africans, Indians, Natives, etc. This is all about Hispanics, specifically illegal Mexicans, the criminal immigrants.
The We Party claims the Supreme Court decision allowing employers to obey the law and protect themselves by not hiring illegals equals "Arizona must penalize businesses that hire illegal immigrants. Businesses don't penalize illegal (criminal) immigrants, they don't have judicial power. The law penalizes criminal immigrants.
The We Party claims that gun manufacturers are responsible for the right to work in New Hampshire. They even oppose the right to work in a foreign-owned company such as Sturm-Ruger. They support the union campaign to make union membership mandatory to hold a job in America. Every American has the right to work. Remember "Pursuit of Happiness?" What do they think that means? It means the right to earn a living, own property, build a lively-hood, build a future, have a family, etc. That does not include government intervention or union membership.
The We Party believes that the government that destroys jobs, raises unemployment to record levels (near 18%) and artificially creates inflation and recession is the same government capable of creating jobs When The Private Market Refuses To. How? Simple. Artificially create a record unemployment by destroying free market jobs, then create New Deal and Great Society-type socialist government sponsored highway, railway, train, bridge, and other infrastructure jobs that are 100% union that forces manufacturing and marketing jobs to be lost or sent overseas and replaced by a construction industry where you have to be union or you are locked out of a job. In other words, either directly or indirectly, they would be government jobs. This is exactly the structure that destroyed the Soviet Union. The precepts of The We Party are very closely aligned with the socialist beliefs of the Communist Party USA, so the We Party is socialist/communist/Marxist. In fact, it would seem that The We Party is the political arm of La Raza.
According to their article, this We Party opposes voter ID. They think anyone should be able to vote. Citizens, non-citizens, criminals, illegal criminal immigrants, it doesn't matter. They are protesting the voter ID bills in Wisconsin and South Carolina, and the registration grace period in Florida which is designed to stop voter fraud. There are loopholes that allow voters to change their name and address at the polls, which means that a voter can go to several different precincts, give new names and addresses at each one, and will be able to vote several times. The bill would close this loophole. The We opposes this closure. Is that what they mean by "attacking the rights of voters?" First of all, there isn't anything to attack. The so-called rights to which they refer are not rights. They are not even privileges. Non-citizens do not have citizen's rights. This includes the privilege to vote. Even citizens do not have the right to vote. Rights can not be denied, but voting, like owning firearms, can be revoked for criminal convitions. If it can be revoked, it's not a right. The We Party takes facts out of context, then rewrites them from their own view.
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