Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Way I See It

In answer to the Democrat, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Progressive, Liberal, ad nauseum answers and accusations that I've been hearing for the past 2 weeks I have this to say from the "The Way I See It, For What It's Worth" file:
POINT: "The Democrats put nearly 3 trillion in cuts on the table as well as an offer to reform entitlements."
Answer: "No, the Democrats did not put $3T in cuts on the table. As they have done throughout the past 30-odd years the Democrats redefine all their terms. They say they want one thing and when the Republicans say the same thing they say "That's not good enough. That's not what we asked for." That's because they don't use the same definitions. Remember back in the '70s and '80s when 'The War of the Words' was going on between Washington and Moscow? Both sides said they wanted peace, but they could never reach an agreement. Why? Because when we said 'peace' we meant absence of conflict. When Moscow said 'peace' they meant lack of resistance to their demands. The Democrats do the same thing. They ask for compromise, but when the House Republicans make a responsible counter-offer, 3 of them in fact (absence of conflict), the Senate refuses to even read it, they simply vote it down. They don't get their way, therefore, as they see it, there is resistance to their demands. The Democrat's idea of math is $1.2T in cuts + $800B in funding cuts for current programs (That's money NOT from this budget) + $1.3T in tax increases = $3T in cuts. This is the apples and oranges your third grade teacher told you about.

POINT: Democrats saved or created 2.4M jobs. What have the Republicans done?:
ANSWER: Jobs saved is not jobs created. It's simply jobs not lost. That a firm does not downsize is no credit to any administration. 2.4M jobs saved/created is a meaningless sound bite. It's the same with the debt limit.

POINT: 90% of this debt derived from their last republican president Mr. George W:
ANSWER: For you to blame George W. for the programs that Jimmy Carter signed into law, a law that has been worsened by both Clinton and Obama, is not only irresponsible and immature, but is actually delusional. It took the 8 Bush years for our debt to grow $2.3T, but in Obama's 30 months our debt has grown $4.6T. That bears repeating. The Democrat's debt is twice in 30 months what the Republican debt was in 96 months. Republicans: $2.3T in 96 months. That's $23.95B per month. Democrats: $4.6T in 30 months. That's $143B per month. Plus the Obamacare socialized medicine that hasn't hit yet, for a projected $5T over the next 8 years. That's outside of the normal budgetary deficits, borrowing, and interest. He's blaming the Republicans for cutting Medicare after he cut benefits for 500,000 elderly and low-income Americans. MISMANAGEMENT, DENIAL, AND DECEPTION.
EXAMPLE: As part of the deal to get Obamacare passed, he offered Medicare benefits for single, childless adults. Last month, after that was funded, he cut that by 40%. Where did that money go?
EXAMPLE: In 2006 the price of oil was what, $76/bbl? Within 12 months of the Democrats taking over congress that rose to over $100/bbl.
EXAMPLE: Even after the mortgage industry crashed, Obama signed legislation to make the situation worse. He expanded the program that would allow people who can only afford $1,000 per month for a mortgage to buy a $700,000 home, then he signed a program that would forgive $12,000 per year ($432,000 over the life of the loan). That turns a $729,000 mortgage into a $297,000 mortgage. We taxpayers pick up the $432K, and people still foreclose.
EXAMPLE: Obama said "I can't guarantee the Social Security checks will go out." That's a scare tactic. He thinks we're all stupid. Obama has no control over the Social Security checks. They aren't funded by the budget. The treasury has been dipping into the Social Security Trust to the tune of $4T, which must be guaranteed. If the government defaults after they have depleted the Trust fund, they still have to pay out the checks by obligation.
EXAMPLE: The Democrats ask for compromise with the Republicans. The Republicans make 3 solid bi-partisan bills in offer to do so. The Democrat's response is: "The Only Compromise There Is, Is Mine." Then they blame the Republicans for not trying to compromise.

The Republicans spent 3 weeks negotiating with the President trying to reach a compromise. At one point the President rudely got up and walked out. This rude, immature, and selfish action only earned a mention in the MSM, but when the talks deadlocked 2 weeks later and the Republicans took the negotiations to Congress, every news outlet in the country went bats blaming the Republicans for stonewalling the talks. Another one-sided political media strategy to cast blame.

The Republicans actually gave in to everything the Democrats wanted with the exception of tax increases, and the Democrats killed it in less than 2 hours, meaning they didn't bother to actually read it. The Democrats demand compromise. The Republicans offered responsible counter-offers in effort to make the best compromise at the lowest cost to the American taxpayer. In other words, the Republicans offered an olive branch and were promptly thrashed with it.

I don't like the idea of raising the debt limit. It's irresponsible. But when we are the only free market system participating in a controlled market world, there will be unpleasant consequences. We have a free market system, but we have a government that likes to emulate the socialist world system. The two are incompatible. We have legalized organized crime syndicates called unions, we have an out of control tort system, we have a dysfunctional insurance industry, we have a totally convoluted tax system, we have a spoiled & selfish populace, we have a dysfunctional, corrupt government that wants things the way they are, and as a result expenses and taxes are so high that corporations can't afford to do business in the US. We have been hemorrhaging jobs to China, Mexico, India, and other third world countries as part of the administrations mis-directed and mis-managed trade deals for too long. People like to complain about it and blame 'the other party' but they won't get off their collective fat asses to fix the problem. They are yellow sheep who need to be shorn, castrated, and sent to pasture where they can't do any more harm.

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