Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why President Obama Will Probably Be Re-Elected in 2012

COMMENTARY By Donald Pennington | In spite of the current protests over everything from dissatisfaction over the economy to any efforts at restoring the economy and putting people back to work, it's still all-too-easy to imagine President Barack Obama will be re-elected in 2012. Why? It's nothing other than religious extremism within the rank-and-file and the leadership of the GOP.

Not everyone flying the Republican flag is a religious extremist, but then again, not everyone within the GOP is running for office. While we as a country could use some people in office who follow better financial policies, the issues that keep getting addressed are abortion rights, gay marriage rights and teaching creationism in schools. All of these non-issues are religious extremists pushing "God" in the public square as well as the private bedrooms of grown-ups. We have enough real-world problems. "God" can take care of himself.

On abortion, why would religious extremists be concerned? Aren't all those lost lives going to heaven? Besides, the Bible is filled with stories of the Almighty ordering the deaths of babies -- without mercy. This point is not simply a matter of opinion. Those stories are really there.

When it comes to the rights of anyone wanting to marry someone of the same sex, who are these politicians to even have a say? Are we really going to try and tell others how to live because of the demands of a collection of stories from ancient times?

And as for insisting that creationism be taught as a theory in public schools -- really? With what we know about the cosmos (and still have yet to learn) no publicly funded school should be teaching as science anything other than what humanity has been able to verify with evidence. Or perhaps our Republican candidates "firmly believe in their hearts" we should also turn to Bronze Age legends for advice on computer repair and auto mechanics too.

The Socialist leanings of President Obama are not the answer to America's problems. We cannot save a free market by choking it to death. But when opponents to this administration espouse religious extremism as the solution, they sound to us non-Christians about like how a Taliban leader might sound to devout Christians. No single religion should dictate public policy -- ever. We all deserve our own choices in life. We cannot afford to trust extremists with the button.

1 comment:

  1. All you need to do is read this article, and pay attention to the language. The article is written by an admitted atheist. He admits that Obama is a socialist. He calls Republicans "Extremists," comparing GOP candidates to Taliban leaders, "...nothing other than religious extremism...[the only issues are] abortion rights, gay marriage rights and teaching creationism in schools"? Really? Seriously?
    "All of these non-issues are religious extremists pushing "God" in the public square as well as the private bedrooms of grown-ups. We have enough real-world problems. "God" can take care of himself." The empty headed mantra of the atheist agenda.
    "On abortion..." So let me get this straight, murdered babies go to heaven, so abortion is ok? His ignorance of the Bible is justification for murder? On what planet?
    This guy is areligious, atheistic, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, opposes creationism, and he has the gall to say that his views must be right, and it's not a matter of opinion.
    Pennington's not a journalist. He's an ass.
