Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Taxed Enough Already?

Taxed Enough Already

Obamacare expands dependence on government health care
Obamacare dumps millions into Medicaid and creates new federal subsidies for government-approved coverage. As a result, by the end of the decade most Americans will receive health coverage through government programs.
-50.7% are covered under govenment enrollment.
7.3% Exchange Subsidies
18.3% Medicare
25.1%% Medicaid and Chip
49.3% Other.

Millions remain uninsured under Obamacare
President Obama promised universal coverage under his health care overhaul. However, even with Obamacare, millions of Americans will remain uninsured. Those who do gain coverage will do so primarily through government exchanges or Medicaid.
-26 Million will remain uninsured by 2016.
49 Million will be enrolled in Medicaid (Welfare based healthcare).
20 Million will be enrolled in Government exchanges.

If you like your health care, can you really keep it?
President Obama promised reform would not affect existing coverage. While it remains uncertain exactly how many Americans will lose employer-sponsored plans under Obamacare, studies show it will be millions.
-Obama said the reform wouldn't affect coverages. The fact is that everyone will be affected in some way. For example:
CBO 11 Million will lose coverage,
CMS Actuary Office will lose 14 Million,
The Lewin Group will lose 17.2 Million
American Action Forum will lose 35 Million

Obamacare adds to premium increases
Americans are paying more for health insurance every year, a concerning trend that is already getting worse under Obamacare—even though the most costly provisions don’t kick in until 2014.
-Obama said premiums would fall.
Fact: Employer Based Health Insurance policy premiums increased 9.5% for a family policy and 7.5% for an individual policy.

States: Obamacare is unconstitutional
Twenty-eight states have filed suits against the individual mandate and the Medicaid expansion. The issue will be settled by the Supreme Court in 2012.

A Medicaid monster
Obamacare increases coverage by adding millions of Americans to the low-quality, low-access Medicaid program, requiring billions of dollars from state budgets.

Medicaid expansion burdens state budgets
The cost of Obamacare’s huge Medicaid expansion will burden both federal and state governments, and states are already struggling to afford the program.

Did Obamacare slow private-sector recovery?
Between the recession’s low point in January 2009 and April 2010, net private-sector job growth improved at a rate of 67,000 jobs per month. After Obama signed his health care legislation into law at the end of March 2010, the improvement stalled. Over the next two years private-sector job growth improved at a rate of just 4,600 jobs per month.

Taxed Enough Already? Just wait until Obamacare kicks in
To pay for generous subsidies to purchase health insurance, a huge expansion of Medicaid, and other new spending, Obamacare raises taxes and adds 17 new taxes or penalties that will affect all Americans.

Obamacare’s bundle of budget gimmicks
When Obamacare was enacted, its proponents said it would reduce the deficit by $143 billion in its first decade, but after accounting for these budget gimmicks, the health law actually adds $698 billion to the deficit.

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