Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? Proof ???
The author of this video intends that in Luke 10:18, which reads "And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." actually means "And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like baraq from bamah."

This video is wrong on so many levels, and I think it is intentionally false and misleading.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as Strong's Numbers Online Bible Dictionary, as is indicated in the screenshots in the video.
Second, the narrator has his languages confused.
CLAIM: Aramaic is the most ancient form of Hebrew.
FACT: Aramaic is not an ancient form of Hebrew. It's an Afro-Asian language that is Canaanite in origin, and is 3,000 years old. This puts the origin of the language in the time frame of the captivity of Israel and Judah in Babylon. Most of the minor prophets of the Old Testament from that point onward are written in Aramaic. In the New Testament, Aramaic is commonly known as Greek. Jesus used Hebrew in the Temple, but spoke in Aramaic, as did most people of his time.

In the verse in question, Jesus said to His disciples "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."
CLAIM: Lightning = Strongs Hebrew 1299 = baraq: To Lighten; Lightning, as in 'Cast forth light' Lightning flash.
FACT: The claim is essentially true, except that the language is wrong. Luke was written in Aramaic, not Hebrew. The word is actually, Strongs Greek 796: Lightning = astrapa = of the gleam of a lamp, which means 'to show light from, as light from a flame'.
The Aramaic 1299 is diatasso, meaning to arrange, appoint, ordain, prescribe, give order, and 1300 means diateleo: to bring thoroughly to an end, accomplish. Neither one has anything to do with this verse.
Baraq, Hebrew 1299 & 1300 is an Old Testament word meaning "a flash" & "lightning" respectively. 1299 occurs only once in the Bible: Psalms 144:6 - "Cast forth lightning and scatter." 1300 occurs 21 times. Astrapa can not be translated to mean baraq.

Isaiah 14:12-19
CLAIM: Heights = Strong's Hebrew 1116 = bamah: high place.
FACT: Bamah can be used to describe a high place of worship, such as for an idol's altar. It is not a name for Heaven.

The conjunctive "U" or "O" (Waw), assuming waw actually is a conjunction, cannot be used between the Hebrew baraq and the Aramaic bamah. Not only that, the phrase "lightning fall from Heaven is not a conjunctive statement. There needs to be two words connected by 'and'. Lightning, a noun and heights, an adjective can not be joined with the Greek conjunctive unless one describes the other. Not only that, but "waw", as a conjunction, may be expressed as "U" or "O", but the "U" or "O" expressions have different meanings, and are not interchangeable.

Let's keep some important facts in focus. Anti-Crist, as a concept, is here, already. It was discussed in the letters of the New Testament by Paul, Timothy, James, John, and Peter. Anything that opposes, directly or indirectly, by ommission or commission, is anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ, as a person, has been described in detail, and understanding the appearance of him relative to the Tribulation and the end times, with very few exceptions, Christians won't have to worry about ever seeing him.
The Anti-Christ is just that, Anti Christ. He will be the opposite of Christ. Using that definition, the vast majority of politicians throughout history qualify.
In principle and politics, Obama is opposite of scriptural, Biblical, and Christian values and principles. He may not be Muslim, but he certainly is not Christian. He does not believe in God beyond a nodding acceptance. His father was an atheist, and his step-father was Muslim, as he was for several years. He has often said that he follows his mother's example. She was agnostic, leaning toward atheistic. Obama is anti-Christ, but he is not the Anti-Christ.

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