Friday, April 15, 2011

Makes one go "Hmmm."

George Bush spent $700B to bail out the mortgage industry. Obama said that he would not continue "the same pattern of irresponsible spending" and bailouts.
He then turned right around and spent $555M on Social Security bailout, $800B on the banking and auto industry bailouts; now, he approves an additional  $787B for more bailouts (what industry is he going to take over with that?) He said he would set into motion actions to balance the budget.
Now, there is forecast to have a $9T debt by 2019.
Not only that, the deficit will be 75%, in size, of the entire national annual budget!
When the Republicans were in power during the mid '60s the Democrats were running ads that the Republicans weren't doing anything about health care. Admittedly, there were improvements they could have made, it was the Democrats who grossly restricted the private Medical Savings Accounts. One had to be enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan in order to use them. The Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSA), the Health Saving Accounts (HSA), the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) replaced the old Medical Savings Account as per the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act signed by Pres. Bush in Dec '03. If the MSAs, HSAs, HRAs and the Archers were available to be taxed only on the interest, and without the High Deductible Health Plan then there would be no need for 'ObamaCare' or any kind of Socialized/Socialist Health Care. The biggest difference is that with a proper, personal MSA there would be no government mandated limit on account contributions.

In 1987 President Ronald Reagan vetoed a transportation bill that contained 152 earmarks (political pork projects) saying “I haven't seen this much lard since I handed out blue ribbons at the Iowa State Fair.”  This president, Mr. Bush, is different.  August 10, 2005 President Bush signed a transportation bill that contained 6,371 earmarks.  6,371 pieces of political pork costing more than $24 billion.   In contrast to President Reagans comment, President Bush, at a short bill-signing event at a Caterpillar plant in Illinois made this comment:  "I'm proud to be here to sign this transportation bill, because our economy depends on us having the most efficient, reliable transportation system in the world." What an astonishing difference between these two men.  Reagan was appalled at 152 pieces of pork and Bush was “proud” to approve 6,371.

Why did Obama, et. al. find SB1070 so offensive? Because it goes against their immigration reform proposals.
During the late 1890s there were serious debates going on concerning the descendents of former slaves, and how they were to be treated as citizens. The 14th amendment was passed. The citizenship criteria are: 1) Born or naturalized in the United States and 2) Subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” - 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
According to United States Supreme Court decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) the person born must meet the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” clause in order to be considered a citizen.
This does not mean police jurisdiction. This is permanent, willful jurisdiction.
What this means is that if a woman from any other country, who is not a citizen of the United States, delivers her baby in the United States, that woman and her child are subject to the jurisdiction of the country of which she holds citizenship.
A baby being born in the United States does not give that baby United States Citizenship.
What this means is short and simple. In the immigration battle over the southern border, the women who are here illegally who drop their children here, there are no anchor babies.

Obama said his father served in WWII. His father, Barack Obama Sr was born in 1933. He would have been 11 years old when the war ended. Lolo Soetoro, his step-father was born in 1932. He would have been 12 when the war ended.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo revealed that American International Group Inc. (AIG) gave bonuses of $1 million or more to 73 people in its Financial Products subsidiary, the unit largely responsible for the company's meltdown.

Rocket launchers were found in Lasiid, near Karbala. A weapons cache was found in a children's cemetery, and another in an elementary school. This after White House press release claiming there were no insurgent clandestine operations in the Karbala region.

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