Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One Nation Working Together?

This was printed on Oct. 1st, 2010. I added it 4/6/11. If you read the bottom you will no doubt observe that we really are a simple collection of cattle. If we weren't, I don't think this would have gone on so long.

On 8/28/2010 Glenn Beck held a Restoring Honor Rally on the Mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. The rally brought in an estimated 800,000 people who voluntarily chartered buses from around the country, and there were attendees from as far away as Nigeria. The rally was also attended by a group of priests, ministers, rabbis, and imams that has come to be known as "The Black Robe Regiment." Although they were accused of hijacking the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the family of Dr. King, particularly his niece Dr. Alveda King thought otherwise.

On the same day, Al Sharpton held a counter-rally. Most of the people in attendance were bused in by supporting groups, and White House departments, rather than volunteers chartering buses.

On 10/30/2010 John Stewart will be holding a Restore Sanity Rally that has been endorsed by Barack Obama. The unions & every other America-hating, left-wing organization in the country will be supporting the rally. Actually, this rally is more of an empty, mindless stunt just like Stewart's comic appearance before Congress.

The real rally will be held on 10/2/2010. It's called "The One Nation Rally" which is listed on the One Nation Working Together website. The interesting thing about this rally is not that Barack Obama has endorsed this rally, but that more than 400 organizations, representing tens of thousands of individuals who have endorsed the One Nation Working Together campaign. The list of organizations supporting this rally can be found linked off of the Communist Party USA website. Like the Sharpton counter-rally union members are being bused, paid, and forced to attend this rally by the bus load.

That's right. You didn't read wrong, and no, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. You see, when George Bush was president if one party accused the other party of being Marxist, Socialist, or Communist there would have been fur flying in all directions. All arguments, debates, and discussions would have stopped while the accused party regained its composure, caught its breath, and directed a response. Not only that, but the American people would not have taken the accusations seriously, and the accusing party would have lost face before the collective voting masses.

Well, here we are, a mere 2 years later, and Barack Obama is president. After appointing 41 czars to circumvent congress, ramming through a stimulus bill written by the Socialist Apollo Alliance, a health care bill that was passed over the objections of the American people, and ramping up nearly 13 Trillion dollar deficit, the accusations of Socialist, Marxist, and Communist have been made, the accused are laughing it off, and the American people are giving the accusations credibility.

The question that remains is, Are the accusations founded? In answer we need only to look at those who support the administration. The old adage "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future" has never been more true. Consider the first czar: Van Jones, Green Jobs Czar, founder of Color of Change, Green for All, and The Green Collar Economy. He is a member of the Apollo Alliance, and the Communist Party USA. Also consider his supporters: AFL/CIO whose president openly admits the union is a socialist platform, has called for a one-world government and a world tax, the Ellen Baker Center for Human Rights- don't let the name fool you. The Ellen Bakeer Center is a far-left political action group. and then there's Obama's financial benefactor Socialist George Soros. This group of supporters have gathered together to call themselves "One Nation Working Together."

Remember Marx's call for "Workers of the World Unite"? The same has been said by Bill Ayers, a personal friend and mentor of Obama, and Andy Stern, the most frequent visitor to the White House, a member of the President's Economic Advisors, founder of SEIU, and currently under FBI investigation for corruption and conspiracy.

Listed on the one nation working together website are 300 of the more than 400 self-professed socialist organizations supporting this rally including the Communist Party USA, Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, Democratic Socialists of America, International Socialist Organization, The New Black Panthers, The Gray Panthers, The New Students for Democratic Society (The resurrected fore-runner of the weather underground), TransAfrica Forum, New York City Democratic Socialists of America, Detroit Democratic Socialists of America, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Progressive Democrats of America, American Muslim Association of North America, and more than 300 other like-minded organizations. For the complete published list of organizations, click here if it's still there.

There are a lot of organizations using the term "Democracy" and we've been brought up to believe the US is a Democracy. Is calling a tiger a kitty make it any less dangerous? Don't forget, the one thing all the Founding Fathers universally agreed on was that they would rather stay under King George than have a Democracy, because a Democracy is a shape-shifting form of government by mob-rule. It is the most insidious form of tyranny known to man.

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